2011 Goals Revisted | Still Playing School

2011 Goals Revisted

The following were my 20 goals for 2011:

1. Take a family vacation (preferably to the beach) Went to Avalon, NJ.

2. Visit Oma regularly or, if she refuses to see us, adopt a "grandparent" from the local nursing home. Oma did refuse to see us in the beginning of 2011 and sadly, she passed away in the early Spring. We miss her so much. Adapt for 2012 goals.

3. Read about and use my bread machine. I read about it, I used it, and I decided I don't really like it. I plan to sell it on Craigslist.

4. Complete framed photography project for living room. We did this and I love it. It was a lot of work for both my husband and I, but so worth it. He mentioned the other day that we should add more and then change the photos out every 6 months.

5. Read 20+ books, with at least 3 being non-fiction. I know I didn't get to 20, but I did read 3 non-fiction. V's diagnosis made it very hard for me to read, which was sad because that is one of my favorite past times. I couldn't even keep up with People magazine. I had no attention span.

6. Walk to library story time when above 40 degrees, take E to the playground on unscheduled days above 50 degrees. We quit going to story time when they got a new teacher. But we did go to playgrounds a lot.

7. Do a random act of kindness for a stranger once a month This was very difficult to do. I did it for a few months, but it was hard to spontaneously think of an appropriate thing to do that a stranger would welcome!

8. Paint E's bathroom It's bright blue and I love it.

9. Learn more sign language We took a Sing & Sign Kindermusik class and both became pretty active in signing.

10. Stretch daily and find an exercise regimen that I like Last year E hated the child care room at the gym and I got pregnant in February. Move this goal to 2012.

11. Add 10 vegetarian meals to our regular dinner rotation I need to count to see how many we found, but I KNOW it wasn't 10.

12. Travel to Ohio so Grandma can meet E We didn't get to Ohio, but E met her at a graduation party in May. =)

13. Start volunteering for a homeless pet shelter again I emailed several places but couldn't find a good fit for regular volunteering. Adapt for 2012 goals.

14. Organize and clear out the spare bedroom It's cleaned out. It was going to be a nursery, but for now it sits empty.

15. Get a professional massage Must keep doing so regularly!

16. Put jewelry away properly after taking it off I'm better than I was at this, but it still doesn't happen constantly.

17. Meet 3 neighbors I love having neighbors nearby that we like!

18. Continue fruits for AM snack and veggies for PM snack for both E and me We aren't consistant with the AM/PM thing, but E is definitely a fruit and veggie eater and I join her! Yum!

19. Complete fabric project for kitchen Move to 2012 goals

20. Get pregnant Got pregnant, had the most beautiful daughter who taught us so much about life, and we also lost her all in 2011.

12/20 complete, 4/20 adapted for 2012 goals, 2/20 partially completed, 2/20 abandoned. Not bad!

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