A Rainbow Update - 32 Weeks | Still Playing School

A Rainbow Update - 32 Weeks

I'm very emotional.  I have work to do and Capture Your Grief posts to catch up on, but where do I go for solace?  Here, to my writing.  That speaks volumes, doesn't it?

Friday night my friends had a baby shower for baby D and me.  He was celebrated with love and his older sister was remembered in such special ways at the shower, too.  It couldn't have been more perfect.  I came home to take the tags off of so many tiny blue items, which was bliss.  I will dedicate a whole post to the shower later with pictures.

I only had one moment, holding up a pair of pajamas, where I thought about how I should have done that last year for her.  As much as we wanted a little girl again this time to replace that lost sister for E, I am now very grateful that he is a boy.  It separates them a bit more in my heart and mind during this confusing time.

Last night, we were admitted to the hospital with pre-term contractions 3 minutes apart.  After 2 hours of monitoring and several tests, they confirmed that the contractions weren't labor (yet) and gave me medication to slow them.

The trouble maker.

Tomorrow we have a volunteer ultrasound with a student technician, then we're going to Sweet Pea Project's 3rd Annual Remembrance Gathering.  E is excited to release balloons to send to baby Vi and I am looking forward to lots of hugs with other mommas I've met over the past year.

1 comment :

  1. He's gonna keep you busy, Mama. He's already eager to get the party started.
