Capture Your Grief - Day 12 | Still Playing School

Capture Your Grief - Day 12

Day 12: Scents

One of the best pieces of advice I received as we were preparing to meet Violet was to get a special scented lotion to use on her that I could later smell to remind me of her.  A great friend brought me samples of Philosophy's Pure Grace and Baby Grace, but Pure Grace was the winner.

I remember rubbing it into her soft skin and soaking in the smell.  Now, I have the lotion, soap, and perfume for myself and it takes me right back to her.  I can wear it on the days I need her close and no one knows I am carrying her with me and healing my heart all day as I smell it.

I think I'll always collect every product in this scent available!


  1. I often wondered what scent you chose - I think this one was heaven sent, just like baby Violet - I'm so glad it's a comfort to you. Love to you all, Carol Anne

  2. WOW what a great idea, I only wish someone had suggested this to me before I had Noah. :( I'm so glad you have this to remember sweet Violet!

  3. That is a great idea! I wish i would have thought of that! <3
