Cars Play for Letter Recognition | Still Playing School

Cars Play for Letter Recognition

Yesterday I needed a quick activity for both kids after lunch, but before nap time.  E wanted to play with her daddy's vintage micro machine cars, so I dug out the masking tape to make some roads for her.

I put some tape pieces on D's hands and then his feet for him to explore.  This, of course, was only done under close supervision.  

Next, we added a parking lot.  It was great fine motor practice for E to line up the cars and park them.

Then, I remembered this post from Juggling With Kids using cars to learn sight words.  I adapted it to E's level by tailoring it to what she needs to work on currently: lower case letter recognition (especially the letters that don't look the same as their uppercase counterparts).

I would say, "Can you park a pink car on the letter h?"  We practiced the letter sounds by saying them while we drove the cars to their parking space, too.  The most realistic letter sounds for this were /r/, /g/, and /z/.  The /s/ sounded like he needed to put air in his tires!

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