OK to Wake Clock Review | Still Playing School

OK to Wake Clock Review

Our children are early risers.  Most days they are both up by 6 at the latest.  As parents who love their sleep (and then lots of caffeine), we're not quite sure where they get this from. Someday they will be teenagers and we will be up first, drinking coffee in the kitchen as we discuss what time they got in the night before while waiting for them to rouse.  But for now, they wake us by climbing in our bed and cooing loudly, respectively, ready to go the minute they open their precious eyes. YAWN.

One thing that we purchased shortly after D was born to help E is the OK to Wake Clock by American Innovative.

We researched several options to teach E when it was time to get out of bed, but we decided on this clock for several reasons:

- The wake time AND brightness are programmable.  After we tried the clock for a few days, I realized that setting the green glow (that goes off when it is time to wake up) to a lower setting was a great idea for the days when she would sleep in.  It wasn't as noticeable to her as she would stir in her bed so sometimes she would go back to sleep.

- The biggest added bonus of this particular clock was the nap timer.  I can program in how long I want E to have a quiet time in her room (half hour, an hour, 2 hours) and she will have the consistency of the clock to show her when it's okay to leave her room just like she does in the morning.

- The clock has cute animated features like a winking, smiling face.  We love anything anthropomorphic in our house!

- It may seem like a minor detail, but you can change the face plate from green to pink and back again.  E LOVES her pink and I love that we can change it back if D wants to use it later (and would rather have it be green).

- Also extending the use of the clock is the alarm function that we can use when, maybe someday, we need to wake the kids by a certain time instead of teaching them NOT to wake until a certain time.  Oh, I can dream, right?

And now for the only part we don't love about the clock:

- It runs on batteries with no option for an AC adapter.  We use rechargeable batteries to help with the cost and carbon footprint, but if this option would bother you, too, you can check out American Innovative's handy Compare Products chart (scroll down and click the Compare Products tab) to see that the Teach Me Time clock plugs in to the wall but doesn't offer the nap timer.  Decisions, decisions!

American Innovative is generously extending a discount code for Still Playing School's readers to try their products.  Purchase products through their site for the next six months and get 20% off by using the code StillPlayingSchool20.  If you do buy something, please also comment here and let me know what you chose!    It's almost like we went shopping together (without leaving the house)!

We purchased the OK to Wake Clock at full price on our own, but then contacted American Innovative afterward to inquire about a discount code for our readers.  As always, opinions are 100% my own.

1 comment :

  1. We got the Teach me time clock for E the other day, and we are goin to use the code to get one for Irelyn. I am going to wait to see what we like about E's and then choose hers!!
