The Wonder Weeks Giveaway | Still Playing School

The Wonder Weeks Giveaway

When my babies are uncharacteristically fussy it really throws me.  I am a creature of baby-led routine (as much as you can be during the first year of life) so when we are doing what we always do, but it no longer works, I start frantically trying to diagnosis the issue.  The problem during that non-verbal first year is the multiple variables.  Digestive issues?  Sleep regression?  Growth spurt?  Teething?  WHAT IS WRONG?!

When E was a baby I found the answer that coincided with her clingy, fussy phases: The Wonder Weeks.

The Wonder Weeks are 10 developmental leaps that occur in the first 20 months of life.  Written by Dutch authors Hetty van de Rijt and Frans X. Plooij, The Wonder Weeks book outlines these predictable periods of learning which result in different perceptions of the world.  They also come with mood changes, fussiness, and sleeping issues.  The good news is they are much easier to deal with if you anticipate and expect it.  You can remind yourself that it's normal, it's a good thing, and there is a reason why your baby needs you more right now.  I especially love how Dr. Frans says you should never let a baby cry it out.  Hold them close, mommas!

D is coming up on his 19 week mental leap (next week!) also known as the 4 month sleep regression.  Right now we are in the throes of sleepless neediness.  His baby brain is getting ready to understand the predictability of more complex events.  The Wonder Weeks will prepare us for this transition by providing an insight into D's development as well as suggesting games and activities we can do to enrich his learning.

They also make an app for Android and iPhone that won the Coolest App for Moms award in 2012!  Be sure to check it out!

The Wonder Weeks has generously offered to giveaway 3 copies of their eBook from iTunes for our readers!  (To the best of my knowledge, you must have an Apple product and iBooks to be able to win and read this prize.)

You can enter by signing up for The Wonder Weeks leap alarm.  Visit The Wonder Weeks website and enter your baby's due date (since the leaps are calculated by gestational age, not birthdays).  Then just come back here and log in with Rafflecopter to let us know you subscribed!  You can get additional entries by liking Still Playing School and The Wonder Weeks on Facebook, sharing the giveaway, etc.(see all the ways to enter below)!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
The Wonder Weeks sent me a eBook copy for completing this review, but the opinions and enthusiasm are completely my own!


  1. I actually have this book but would love to win it for friends and family that are expecting their first child. I wish I had this book when I had my first two children, they are now 19 & 15 yrs old and to be able to understand your child better makes it easier to meet their needs.

    1. What a great gift idea! They are lucky to have you!

  2. I have never heard of this before & with the newest one coming next month, sounds like it would be perfect to have!

    1. Yes, you'll love knowing when they are coming up!

  3. We are expecting baby number one in July and could do with as much information as possible. My friend has said this is the best book she has ever come across so I'm very interested :)

    1. I agree with your friend and I think you will, too!
