Zipadeezip Review & Giveaway | Still Playing School

Zipadeezip Review & Giveaway

I was beginning to imagine the logistics of swaddling a 16-year-old D at bedtime.  Ever since he was in utero, he has rubbed his eyes while sleepy:

So anytime I tried to put him down unswaddled, he would wake himself up with the rubbing and then he'd pull his pacifier out and all the baby wrath would break loose.  A few weeks ago in an act of desperation, I actually googled how to wean a baby from swaddling.  I found recommendations for the Zipadeezip

I immediately emailed Stephanie, inventor of the Zipadeezip and mom to the adorable Charlotte, and pleaded kindly asked to review a Zippy.  She sent out this super cute dinosaur themed one immediately for D.  This picture is him napping on the day it arrived.  I ripped open the package and zipped him right up.  He napped just as long as he typically did in his swaddle!  

At Stephanie's suggestion, I used the Zipadeezip for naps only initially.  I knew we had to make the leap to unswaddling him at nights, too, when he became more proficient at rolling.  Then at his five month well baby visit, our new pediatrician asked if we were still swaddling.  Ugh, caught in the act!  

I decided I would stop swaddling D on vacation.  It was a risky move since I would be disturbing my in-laws sleep as well if it was a disaster, so at the last minute I tossed a trusty swaddle blanket in the suitcase just in case!  

We didn't need the swaddle blanket all week and we haven't used one since!   D is exclusively sleeping in his Zippy at night now. (I really need to invest in another one so I can do laundry without extensive time planning around his sleep schedule first!)

Stephanie has also generously offered to give one of our readers their own Zippy.  Please refer to our Rafflecopter tutorial to make sure you entering correctly!  Plus, if you don't win (or like me, you need an extra) you can also use the code SLEEP at checkout for a $2 discount!  

Wait, before I go enter the giveaway, do you hear that?  Oh, me neither.  I hear nothing, because D is sleeping soundly in his Zipadeezip!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

As stated abouve, Zipadeezip gifted us with a free Zippy to review. As always, the opinions and enthusiasm are 100% my own!


  1. those look amazing!!! I wish I had thought of that years ago- like 11 years ago when my first was a baby!!!

  2. my 6 month old is a face rubber/ear puller/hair twirler (she has TONS of curly hair) so she still needs swaddling or else she wakes herself up. i can tell she is starting to want some more room in there, however, so i would LOVE to try this!!! i think it would allow her some freedom of movement but just not too much too soon :)

    1. They are so cute with this before birth habits, but it's frustrating when it keeps them from sleeping!

  3. oh....and i like the tweetie bird pattern :)

  4. I NEED the green little hoot! :D

  5. I need it because my 5 month old baby girl will def not sleep through the night without something around her, she rubs her face and scratches her face up, also plucks her pacifier out and then screams because its not there. Im always finding her rolling to her stomach in the swaddle by morning and im scared shes going to smother herself. I love this idea and have been looking at it for the last month trying to factor it into my budget. I love the butterfly pattern!!

    1. I love how it gives D enough freedom to roll around as he pleases, but not so much that he wakes himself up!

  6. My little one is not so little! He came into the world at 9 pounds 3 ounces and is getting bigger by the second! He grew out of the blanket swaddles very quickly and is very restless as a result meaning little sleep for both of us..I'm hoping this will help us both get some much needed shut eye! The Monkey Business one is my favorite

    1. Oh, wow! D was 8 lbs. 8 oz. and has stayed pretty large, too! I was also putting a word out to friends about needing larger swaddle blankets by 3 or 4 months.

  7. Just stopped using the woombie because my little man is rolling over but still want him to be in something. I love the little hoot one!!!

    1. We never tried a Woombie! This would be a great transition from it, I'm sure!

  8. I love our Zippy! It has made the swaddle transition super easy. We love the little monkey one we have and would love to win another with the skeleton Dinos. I would recommend that if you are gonna get one, you should just get two. Since it is always a rush to get it washed and dried in between naps when it needs it.

  9. I soooo want and need one of these for,my 5 month old swaddler!

  10. I would love to try the baby blue one, my 5 1/2 month old son wakes 3-4 time a night and at this point im will to try anything!

  11. The Zippy is just TOO CUTE!

  12. My son loves his zippy! I would love another, too!

    1. How old is he? What pattern do you currently have? We're a returning customer now, too, like you!

  13. I'd love this for my son... such a restless sleeper! The MrFroggie is so cute!

  14. My favorite is the flutterby one. I would like to try the zipadeezip because I think my 4.5 month old would really enjoy it. She's a great sleeper but could use some help with naps. What a great product! There are so many amazing reviews from pleased parents! I love it.

    1. The reviews speak for themselves! I love all the adorable happy customer pictures of the Facebook page, too!

  15. I would love to try the Monkey Business Zippy! My baby was (still is!) a big boy and his clavicle broke during delivery. Because of this, he was swaddled 24/7 for his first 6 weeks of life, and then swaddled for sleep until he started rolling over about a month ago. He is having a really hard time sleeping without his trusty swaddle. The Zippy looks awesome!

    1. Poor baby (and momma)! I never knew they would have you swaddle due to that injury, but it makes sense. No wonder your little man is a swaddle addict now! We swaddle from day one lots at the recommendation of Dr. Harvey Karp.

  16. I want a sleepsack because my lil rainbow loves to wiggle around, like D, and also like D, removes his soother...It just seems like such an all-around useful product. I would love to try one. I liked many prints and would really like a rainbow print but did not see one...did I miss it...I like the dino print too and the froggy one although not totally sure which one I would get. Great product review SPS!

    1. I can't wait to see your rainbow in one! You'll LOVE it!!!

  17. My daughter slept swaddled in a SwaddleMe until she was 6 months old. She slept 10-12 hours a night pretty early on, so we were big fans of the Swaddle! At that point, she started breaking out of it and waking herself up. We bought a Zipadee Zip sack, and the transition to it only took a week or two (starting with naps). She is now almost one year old, and we still use the Zipadee Zip - not necessarily to limit her movement, but it keeps her warm at night! Love it!

    1. We were also SwaddleMe fans! Our transition took about the same amount of time and probably would have been shorter if I wasn't such a chicken about it!

  18. I would love to have an extra Zippy because at almost one, my daughter is about ready for a Large Zippy - I love the Mr. Froggie and Tweetie Bird designs! (She has used a Medium Zippy from age 6 months until now!)

  19. My son need this so bad he is ready to transition out of swaddles and this would be perfect!! I love little hoot or the new elephant pattern yet to be named!

    1. I really want the new elephant pattern, too!!!

  20. I so need one of these for my newborn! Hope to win so we can try one! :)

  21. when are you closing this cause I want to know if we've won or not so I know if I need to order one.

    1. I'll pick a winner on Wednesday morning! The Rafflecopter widget also has a count down so you can tell when giveaways end! <3

  22. We have a small zipadeezip which we have in just plain pink that we LOVE and sleep in every night (my daughter is 6 months old now, she's been using one for about 3 months). She's been sleeping through the night ever since, and I don't have to worry about her hands or feet getting cold. I'd love a new zippy, since she is about to grow out of this one. Of the current patterns, I love the froggie for girls. I would also love to try the new Elephant pattern too once its out, so super cute!

  23. My son won't arrive until August (my first baby), but I've been on the lookout throughout my pregnancy for fantastic products that I'll likely use! I love the Monkeyin' Around Zipadeezip

  24. My baby girl gets very upset if she busts out of her swaddle in the middle of the night(which she does all-too-often!) and she simply refuses to sleep during the day. I would LOVE to try out the Zipadee-Zip! I think I've spent at least an hour now reading through comments on their Facebook about how thrilled their customers are :)

  25. I forgot to mention I love the "Flutterby" pattern Zipadee-Zip, and I would like to have that one, it's so cute!

  26. I love these! The dino one is super cute!

  27. Hey hey! This Swaddle transition blanket works! My son knocks out with in 20 minutes of having it on :) Zipadee-Zip is simply incredible.

  28. Zipadee-Zip has worked really well for our little guy. He was right at the point to where he'd break out of his swaddle multiple times during the night, but had trouble falling asleep without it. The Zipadee-zip seemed to help him not flail around so much, and I really like that it keeps his hands covered- keeps them warm, and he likes to chew on the sleeves, haha. He slept amazingly well in it the first night. I have washed and dried ours a bunch of times, and it is holding up well.
