Zuchinni Soup, Roasted Veggies, and a Cat's Birthday Cake | Still Playing School

Zuchinni Soup, Roasted Veggies, and a Cat's Birthday Cake

I haven't been very dedicated with my meal planning since it's been too hot to serve warm meals.  Cool salads, sandwiches, and chilled soups have been on our menu.  I made a vegetable macaroni salad and a Japanese cucumber salad to use our veggies from our CSA.  I roasted cabbage, sweet potatoes, and beets.  Pull whatever looks good out of the fridge at mealtime and add some fresh fruit and veggies on the side!

D looks like he got in a hockey fight here, but really he loved trying the beets after a week of being back on solely breast milk.  We reverted his diet due to what I am suspecting is a dairy intolerance.  I'd love to hear any insight you might have to this.  Without getting into the gory details, something was not agreeing with his tummy several times a day for a week so we eliminated all solids again to regulate his digestive system.  Looking back closely at what I had been feeding him, it seems like some dried nonfat milk in a few foods may have been to blame, which makes sense since he couldn't tolerate dairy in my diet for the first 6 months of his life. 

Today is our cat's 8th birthday, so naturally, we had to make a cat paw cake. 

Mr. SPS and D particularly enjoyed my chilled zucchini soup.  I was inspired by and combined two recipes so I'll write ours out for you.

Chilled Zucchini Soup

olive oil
medium white onion, chopped
equivalent of 2 cloves of garlic (I used dried minced)
2 teaspoons curry
6 small or 4 large zucchini, sliced into 1/4 inch rounds
6 cups vegetable broth

Saute onions and garlic in oil until soft.  Add curry and salt & pepper.  Add zucchini, lower heat, and cook until soft.  Add stock and simmer for an additional 30 minutes.  Cool completely, blend, then chill before serving.

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