All Boy: Gender Reveal Ideas | Still Playing School

All Boy: Gender Reveal Ideas

Photo credit: Karen Reichley

Can you believe it's been over a year since we revealed our rainbow baby's gender?

Last July, the sonographer double checked that we wanted to know if D was a boy or a girl.  Then as soon as she placed the ultrasound wand on my belly, there was no denying it!  In utero D was not shy with his private parts.  Mr. SPS and I both started laughing as the sonographer asked us if we had figured it out!  D was (and is) all boy!  (It is also rather funny to me to reread that post and see how he was always measuring ahead because he is in 12 - 18 month clothing now at 8 months old.)

Once we knew the great news we planned lots of fun ways to tell our friends and family about our first boy!


One of my best and sweetest friends, Susie, threw a gender reveal play date for E and her closest friends at Five Stone Kids.  I made color changing play dough to reveal the gender of her littlest sibling!

Inside these white balls of dough were smaller balls of blue so when her friends started to squeeze or smash the dough, it turned blue!  E was going to have a baby brother!


I made scratch offs to mail to long distance family who we couldn't tell in person.  Here is my dad (Gramps to the kids) scratching off his guess on the boy side.

Under the girl side was the word, "Nope," but under the boy side was the first and middle name we planned to use for him!  My family unanimously guessed correctly!  I cannot believe I don't have a picture of an unscratched one, so I'll do a tutorial of how to make these soon to make it up to you.


My husband took a container of Hershey bars to work.  On the top of the container, I wrote:

Baby (Last Name) #3: 

What do you think it will be?  
Open to see!
Inside were these treats with the HE colored with blue paint marker:

(You would color the she in Hershey pink for a girl!)


For friends/family that we would see in person I made these cookies with a blue candy surprise inside:

Photo credit: Karen Reichley

My talented baking friend Cathy made these rainbow reveal cupcakes for our rainbow baby, too!

They had yummy blue frosting inside!  


We had so much fun sharing our good news with everyone!  D is one celebrated little guy!


  1. Those are such great, fun ideas! I'm a little sad I won't ever be able to do something like that*.

    *But not sad enough to endure another pregnancy from hell!

    1. You can host a gender reveal party for a friend!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks! We had so much fun and E didn't spill the beans prematurely at all!
