Vacuuming Letter V | Still Playing School

Vacuuming Letter V

This post is part of 31 Days of Learning the ABCs organized by All Done Monkey.  Each day in October a different blogger has highlighted a letter of the alphabet with an activity or craft compiling a wonderful resource of early literacy!

We chose the letter V for obvious reasons!

We used painter's tape to make Vs of varying sizes on our rug.  E vacuumed them saying the V sound as she did.  Pushing a child size or toy vacuum is great for shoulder and upper arm muscle development which benefits handwriting.  "Vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv," goes the vacuum!

We talked a bit about the formation of the letter V as I asked her to start on the top left to vacuum down and back up.

We practiced size identification.  "Can you vacuum the largest V next?  Where is the smallest V?"

Some variations include using different colors of tape, spelling your child's name, or walking along the tape instead of vacuuming.

Next, E wanted to use parts of her body to make the letter V.  She used critical thinking to figure out the best ways to succeed at her task!

 "That's easier!"  Could we make Vs with our fingers, too?

 You may also want to check out the 31 Days of ABCs Pinterest board for even more great ABC ideas.  Please be sure to visit the other great blogs that participated in the 31 Days of ABCs series:

 If you have an educational activity or craft for the letter V, please link to it below!


  1. What a great idea! So creative! Thanks for participating in this series!

  2. Love these ideas! The vacuuming is a great way to get the shape of the letter stuck in their minds and the fingerpaint Vs are so creative!
