Design a Dragon Activity for Zoey and Sassafras Dragons and Marshmallows | Still Playing School

Design a Dragon Activity for Zoey and Sassafras Dragons and Marshmallows

It's practically impossible to find a read aloud bedtime story that both our seven year old daughter and our four year old son with both agree on. I tend to disregard my opinions of the books entirely as long as they are reading but then we found the Zoey and Sassafras series! Science, magical creatures, and realistic characters with adorable illustrations? We were all rushing to brush our teeth at bedtime so we'd have time for one more chapter!

Free Design a Dragon writing sheet for after reading the science based chapter book Zoey and Sassafras

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We received a copy of this book for this review but, 
as always, all opinions and enthusiasm are 100% our own. 

Our daughter was absolutely thrilled to get a Zoey and Sassafras tote bag, a copy of the first book in the series, Dragons and Marshmallows and her very own thinking goggles! Zoey uses these in the book so our kids are loving wearing their own pair at home. 

You have to check out this series if you love science and magic like us! Here is a trailer that introduces the irresistible characters!

Our son is obsessed with dragons. Since there was one in the book as a main character I wondered if I could get my reluctant writer interested in designing his own dragon. 

I created a sheet that included plenty of science terms we heard in the chapter book. Then I invited our kids to write about and draw their very own dragon. I love when they instantly want to work on a project together!

Our four year old doesn't usually want to write much more than his name but he drew and colored his dragon and even wrote in some of the answers to the questions as well! He dictated the rest of the details to me and was very proud of his work. 

A few days later our daughter asked if she could create a mate for her dragon. How could I say no to that? 

We've already ordered the next two books in the Zoey and Sassafras series! I'm just as excited as the kids are for them to arrive. Finally bedtime reading doesn't lull me to sleep.

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1 comment :

  1. How can I get a pdf of this cute activity to download it? Thank you!
